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What is Intranet? Intranet meanings

 Intranet Meaning: Friends, if someone asks you What is Intranet , then maybe once you will understand that the person in front is asking you about the Internet.  But you will be surprised to know that Intranet and Internet are two different words.

 In today's article, we will know that what is Intranet ?  Also we will also know how many similarities are there between Intranet and Internet and how different they are from each other.  So let's get started and first of all know Intranet kya hai?

What is Intranet?  Intranet Meaning!

 Intranet is a private network that shares data and application resources internally through the Internet Protocol (IP).  In such a network, many local area networks can be interconnected and leased lines can also be used in wide area networks.  Like Internet, Internet is a network of many interconnected computers but it is a private network.

 The main purpose of an intranet is to share information and computing resources among the employees of a company.  Intranets can be used to facilitate working in groups and also for teleconferences.  This type of network is used to connect one office of a company to another office network.  This network remains completely private.  Because the intranet is separated from the Global Network through a firewall.  And to access it, a password is also required.  Hence communication done on the intranet is encrypted.

 Friends, this was about Intranet kya hai, let us also know about internet so that we can understand the difference between internet and intranet.

 Benefits of Intranet

 Friends, as already mentioned intranet is used privately, so in a way it is a secure network and it has its own advantages commercially.  Companies or institutions using it keep their personal information limited to the company.  Now, because a person can use it only if he has the user password of the network, it is a commercially secure network.

 What is Internet?

 The Internet is a global network of multiple interconnected computers that connect any computer in the world through routers and servers.  TCP / IP Protocol is used to connect two or more computers.

 Internet is a network of thousands of computers, it can be called as Internet in Hindi or "Mahajal" in common language.  Internet is the largest network in the world.  Internet uses both wire and wireless communication to send and receive any information like photo, audio, video etc.  Here, the data travels via "fiber optic cable", which is owned by telephone companies.

 An IP address is used to give each computer an identity when connected to an Internet network.  The IP address is based on numeric.  Each computer is given a special number, for example

 Similarities between Intranet and Internet

 Both internet and intranet is a network of computers so it is natural to have similarities between the two.  Let us know a little more about their similarities.

 Both Internet and Intranet are networks of computers.

 Both the Internet and Intranet can be accessed using any browser.

 Intranet uses Internet protocols to transfer data.

 Both use the network to share information with consumers.

 Difference between Intranet and Internet

 Where there are many similarities between Internet and Intranet, there are also many differences between these two networks, so let's know the difference between the two networks

 The Internet is not owned by one or more organizations, while Intranet is a private network that belongs to a firm or an institution.

 The internet is available to all consumers while the intranet company is available only to specific people.

 The Internet is a network of global computers while the intranet is a private network.

 An intranet is safer than the Internet.  Because access to the intranet is limited to the company's people.

 The internet can preserve unlimited information due to being a global network, while the number of computers in the intranet is limited and the information is also protected as needed.

 Any information available on the Internet is public, which can be seen by everyone, while data in the intranet is transmitted within the organization.

 A password is not required to access the Internet, whereas a password is required to access the intranet.

 The Internet is made up of many LANs (local area networks), WANs (wide area networks) and MANs (metropolitan area networks) while intranets are either LANs (local area networks) or WANs (wide area networks) or MAN (metropolitan area networks).  Is made up of


 So friends on able2knowledge website through me what is  intranet?  How did you like the information of Intranet Meaning, tell us in comments.  I hope that after knowing what the similarities are between Internet and Intranet and how different the two are from each other, your mind may have gone away.  Friends, if you liked this information of what is Intranet, then please like this article and share it with your friends on facebook and twitter.  See you again with a new information till then Jai Hind.

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