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How to increase typing speed? Online free!

How to increase typing speed?

Practice regularly with your fingers on the keyboard will gradually learn the location of the multiple through memory!

How to increase typing speed? Online free!

How to improve My typing speed?

Today every work has become computer-based. Most of the work is done on computers and laptops and if it comes to a job in a company, then firstly your computer knowledge is seen there as well as Typing Speed ​​because 

If Typing will be fast, then the job is completed in a short time. can go. If you also want to increase your Typing Speed, then today's post on how to fast Typing Speed ​​will help you a lot.

Typing Speed ​​is also important for doing a job as well as knowledge of computers which is seen when applying for jobs in every company. 

Typing tests are also taken in many companies. If you are a company content writer, that is, then your typing speed is very good, 

So further we are going to tell you how to fasten Typing Speed, with the help of which you can increase your typing speed.

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How to increase typing speed?

Next, we will show you how to increase such excellent Typing Speed. With which Improvement will be visible in your Typing Speed in no time.

Chat on social media sites!

Facebook and WhatsApp are being used by everyone nowadays. If you use these social sites in your computer, then this will also increase your typing speed. 

Type the message while looking at the screen. See the keyboard only when necessary. This is also a better way to Increase Typing Speed.

Understand technology!

There is also a process of typing on a computer. In which 80% technique, 10% speed, and 10% accuracy are used. 

How to keep hands, learn to focus on the position of the hands. This process is most important to increase typing speed.

Memorize keyboard keys

Remembering keyboard keys is also a way to increase typing speed. Have a good understanding of the keyboard in which key is where. 

Add each key to your mind. Remember all the buttons on the keyboard. You can also take the help of someone for this. Take the help of your friends and ask them to ask and you tell them the location

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How to improve typing speed?

We will now tell you about a website that will help increase your typing speed.

Typing test

This is the best website to increase typing speed. You can also do an online typing test on this.

How to increase typing speed? Online free!

Go To Website - You have to go to its website

Set Timer - As soon as you reach the site, set the time according to it.

Select Option - Now select any one option for typing.

Tap On Start Typing Test - Click on "Start Typing Test".

Start Typing - After this a page will open in front of you, start an online typing test here.

This way of increasing Typing Speed will be very useful for you. If you want to know your typing speed in how much time you type and you want to know how to check Typing Speed, it will also tell you the time of typing speed.

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Free typing game!

Apart from the website mentioned above, if you want to learn typing from any other website so that you will also enjoy typing and you will also be able to increase typing speed while playing the game, Free Typing Game is the best website for this.

How to increase typing speed? Online free!

Go To Website - For this, you have to go to this site

Select Option - On reaching the site you will see 3 options. If you want to increase typing speed by playing the game, then click on the option Play Now.

Now the typing game will start. So you will be able to play games along with learning typing.

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How much should typing speed be?

Typing Speed ​​does not have to be fast. Rather it is also necessary to type correctly with Accuracy. So know what the typing speed should be next.

Generally 40 to 50 WPM is considered a good typing speed. But more precision than speed is required. Because if there is no Accuracy, you will not be able to write correctly. 

Many people can type at speeds of more than 50 WPM. But their accuracy is less than 90%, with Fast writing, it is necessary to write correctly.

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How to increase Typing Speed ​​In English?

Typing Speed ​​Badhane Ke Liye You have to pay attention to your Home Row. For this, fingers have to be set.

  • First of all, practice with ASDFG from left-hand fingers and right-hand fingers; LKJH.
  • Practice it for one hour daily. Until you remember
  • After this practice QWERT POIUY in the row above. For this, you will have to use the 4 fingers of the left hand, and to press RT, you will also have to use the left finger's index finger. Similarly, POIUY has to be practiced with the right hand.
  • Now the last line of the keyboard, ZXCV has to practice typing the left hand and MNB with the right hand.

So in this way, you will get a practice of typing the keys of the keyboard.

Tips to increase typing speed

While typing on a computer and laptop it is necessary to take care of some things. It also affects your typing speed. Let's know for Typing Speed

  1. While typing, pay full attention to typing. Otherwise, you will not be able to pay attention to the position of Keys.
  2. While typing, keep your attention on the screen and not on the keyboard. Initially, mistakes can occur. But by practice, it will gradually be corrected.
  3. Keep your body upright while typing.
  4. Many people use Backspace more, this will reduce your Accuracy.


So guys, how did you like this way to increase typing speed? With the help of these methods, you will be able to type fast on a computer and laptop and your work will be done quickly and on time. 

So comment on this post, what is your opinion and if you liked the post, like it, share it and be connected with us to get such important information at able2 knowledge, thanks!

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